Knowing the facts about your Gutters.
Gutters, and downspouts (eavestrough, and leaders ), when scheduled to be replaced or installed new, shall be installed in the same location as the exsiting , or (when missing ) in their original location. Maximum lengths of gutters shall be used. The gutters shall be installed uniformily, to sufficiently drain water away quickly, without leaving standing pockets. The pitch shall be 1/16 inch per foot (0.6%). It shall be installed to sufficiently clear the eave line, and roofing edge to prevent water, ice, or snowfrom backing up under the roofing. Long gutter lengths between leaders may be undesirable if the pitch becomes visually evident. All hangers, brackets, and fastenings shall be provided with an extenison piece( elbow ) located not more than 6 inches above the splash block and pointed in the direction of the flow. Prior to installation the gutters and downspouts, Discovery of any rotted or deteriorated fasca and frieze boards, must be replaced.

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